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Montclair Skillshares 2024

Indie Arts Montclair organizes a series of skillshares - free or low cost workshops presented by community members, businesses and organizations.  Our next set of skillshares will be held October 2- 6th!

Who can host a skillshare?

Anyone can set up a skillshare. All you need is a location. We have some venues which may host events or you can set up an event in your backyard or other locations. You can post the locations publicly or take registrations through our site and just register the number of folks you can handle.

How long should my skillshare be?

The skillshare should be no more than 90 minutes (but it’s up to you). We recommend a presentation and discussion or some hands-on activities.


Can I charge a fee?

We ask that all skillshares be free or only charge for materials. You are welcome to use the share to promote a service you provide commercially or to promote your club, organization, or just to find new friends.


What do we hope to accomplish?

There are two main goals in a skillshare. 1) Share knowledge.  2) Learn something new. It's always fun to learn something new -- even better when it's done with friends and neighbors.  


Are hands-on activities ok?

We strongly encourage hands-on skillshare activities when possible. If you're presenting a gardening skillshare, hold it in a garden; if you want to teach drawing, break out the pencils and pads.

Email us:

Indie Arts Montclair 40 So. Fullerton Ave #16 Montclair, NJ 07042

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